Evolution of Data Structures in


The Study

This website has been developed to collect many implementations of a same program based on data-structures, across three different languages and then comparing them with each other. This will form a part of my study involving the evolution of data-structures over many years in computer language programs. As the languages have evolved, there has been increase in the syntactic complexity without contributing to the functionality of the algorithm. The languages in question are

·         C

·         C++

·         Java

The important properties of interest for the comparison are

·         Program length

·         Run time

·         Correctness

·         Program readability

·         Efficiency


Simulation is the use of one system to imitate the behavior of another system. Simulations are often used when it would be too expensive or dangerous to experiment with the real system. There are physical simulations, such as wind tunnels used to experiment with designs for car bodies and flight simulators used to train airline pilots.

 Simulation of an Airport , consider a small but busy airport with only one runway (see Figure). In each unit of time, one plane can land or one plane can take off, but not both. Planes arrive ready to land or to take off at random times, so at any given moment of time, the runway may be idle or a plane may be landing or taking off, and there may be several planes waiting either to land or take off.

Your task is to generate a program that performs the random simulation of an airport, showing the status of runway for each time interval and printing the summary of processes in the end.

If you are interested in the solving the problem please give your email id for instructions to be send to your id